About Mj Roë (AKA MJ Bachman)

Mj Roë lives in Southern California. Her lifelong passion for La Ville Lumière and for all things French has fueled her novels and given her the opportunity to visit the city many times. She has worked in France as a business and marketing executive and previously taught French and creative writing.

Roë’s  books, The Seven Turns of the Snail’s Shell, The Blue Amulet, As Darker Grow the Shadows, and The Heat of the Desert Wind have won awards at the London Book Festival, the Paris Book Festival, and the Los Angeles Book Festival.

Mj released her fifth novel in November 2022.  Was it Love? Or Was it Paris?  is her first novel writing as MJ Bachman.

Mj and Paris, her beloved Golden Retriever

Click here to listen to Brae Wyckoff Broadcast Muse: Interview with Author Mj Roe

Visit Mj’s author page on Amazon.com: amazon.com/author/mjroe.

One thought on “About Mj Roë (AKA MJ Bachman)

  1. As a new-to-San Diego part-time retired writer, I’m beginning to learn a little about the local book scene. I picked up “Was it Love or Was it Paris” from the local author showcase shelf at the downtown library, and had trouble putting it down. Typically, I can “skip the middle” of a longish novel, but this one kept drawing me back in. I hope to spend part of next spring in Paris, and will be looking for some of the landscapes and bookshops described in the book. Thanks for writing, a wonderful tribute to your mother.

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